Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A Simple Ice Breaker to Use Over Lunch

A Simple Ice Breaker to Use Over LunchA Simple Ice Breaker to Use Over LunchHeres a fun icebreaker that warms up a group and enables participants at a meal to get to know each other quickly. We usually recommend icebreakers that bring participants into the discussion about the content of a training or team building session. But, there is a place for a fun lunch meeting icebreaker whose only purpose is to help session attendees know and appreciate each other. Here is a lunch or dinner meeting icebreaker that requires some time in preparation, but is quick and fun to carry out at your meeting. You can develop your own fun meeting icebreakers that help people meet and greet, too. Our how-to instructions are complete, reliable, and you can trust them to help you develop your own team building icebreakers. Its more simple than you think. Pick Up a Plate Lunch Meeting Icebreaker It is an easy-to-lead, fun lunch meeting icebreaker. Like the Candy Sort Lunch Meeting Icebreaker, this iceb reaker takes some preparation in advance, but not a lot of time during the meeting. This lunch meeting icebreaker is best used when employees are gathering to share a meal. Whether its your celebrate safety pizza luncheon or an employee recognition banquet, a hot dog summer motivational lunch, a potluck dinner or a celebrate Thanksgiving luncheon, your eating and greeting opportunities have something in common at a meal- plates. They likely have a second commonality, too. Employees who know each other best tend to sit with each other. Employees from the same department tend to arrive together and file into the first available seats. It makes the shared meal a lost opportunity to encourage team building and employees getting to know each other across departments and job functions. The employers reason for providing most meals at work is employee recognition, thanking employees for a job well done, or team building with the employees. Dont lose the opportunity. You can change these dy namics and build teams of people who dont usually work together by taping a number or a letter to the bottom of each plate. Youll need to decide how many total employees will attend. Youll need to decide, in advance, how many coworkers will sit at each table. Then make enough stickers to label every plate with a table number. Youll want to place a number on each table, too, or you will have a milling mess when employees with the same number try to find each other. Mix Things Up Finally, because employees, as mentioned, tend to arrive at luncheons with their friends, youll want to mix the plates up so that the numbers or letters that match are not stacked together in the pile of plates, but rather randomly, to facilitate coworkers meeting. Announce to the employees that, in the interests of team building and facilitating the opportunity for them to get to know people with whomthey dont usually work, you have labeled the bottom of each plate with a number. Tell them to join the em ployees at the table that is labeled with their number. And again, you can simply ask people to introduce themselves to their assigned table. Or, if you want to guide the discussion, you can develop a series of questions for people to answer such as those listed below. Keep in mind that, with this approach to a meeting icebreaker, people will want to eat hot food, so the more formal discussion is better left until after the meal. Your participants will thank you no one likes to talk to coworkers with their mouth full of food. Sample Questions or Discussion Points to Use Might Include Describe how and when you came to work at this company.Share your biggest current challenge you are experiencing at work.Share two things about yourself that you think no one at the table may know.Describe a positive customer interaction you have experienced.Tell your coworkers something you appreciate about your company. You will find additional ideas for questions in icebreaker questions for meeti ngs and fun and funny icebreaker questions.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

How to Deal With Conflicting Career Advice - The Muse

How to Deal With Conflicting Career Advice - The MuseHow to Deal With Conflicting Career Advice When it comes to your career, have you ever been on the receiving end of conflicting advice? I sure have- too many times to count.There are plenty of instances- from interview outfits to the quality of my major presentation- when peoples opinions about my career didnt quite match up. But, nothing compares to when I welches considering quitting my secure full-time job to pursue a freelance writing career.Mentors in my existing industry thought I was insane, while the people I looked up to in the writing field were practically pushing me off the cliff. My manager stared at me like I said I was going to join the circus, while my parents were endlessly supportive. My close friends told me I could do anything, while random networking acquaintances told me it would never work.The thought alone makes me short of breath. Can you relate? People have a lot of opinions, and they dont always complimen t each other. In fact, sometimes theyre plain ol contradictory.Youre taught to seek the counsel and guidance of others- particularly when it comes to your career. But, where can you turn when all of that advice doesnt serve to push you in one clear direction?Heres what I learned through my own (oftentimes stressful and sweat-inducing) experience.1. Consider the SourcePeople dont just form opinions out of thin air. Instead, their viewpoints are shaped by their own unique backgrounds and experiences. Your beloved grandma might feel confident that a career change at this point would certainly be a detriment- but, thats likely because she comes from a generation when career exploration wasnt necessarily a norm. So, when it comes to receiving advice, remember to think about what sorts of circumstances could lead that person to feel that way. Is this someone with a solid handle on your particular situation, or is he or she coming at it with a certain bias or lack of understanding? Adding some conditions to whose suggestions carry weight isnt always a bad (or insulting) thing. Remember, its totally possible to trust someone without trusting his or her expertise in every single scenario. 2. Know Your ValuesWhen I would tell people that I was planning to bid adieu to my co-workers in favor of working totally alone, many had responses that looked something like, Ugh, I couldnt stand having to do everything myselfIll admit that sentiments like those planted a few seeds of doubt in my brain. But, then I realized something To me, forging my own path and doing things totally alone was one of the things that excited me most about my new adventure.Tying back to the fact that people have their own individual outlooks, its important for you to get a solid handle on your own passions and ambitions. What do you think? What do you want? With that information in your back pocket, youll be able to better consider other peoples recommendations through your own lens. When I discovered that I valued a sense of stability in my career, for example, peoples warnings that the freelance life came with a lot of uncertainty carried a little more weight in my decision-making process. Be forewarned, this step doesnt mean that your values and priorities can never shift and evolve. However, its important that you take the time to get in tune with your own desires before you confuse yourself too much with the fears and yearnings of everybody else around you. 3. Give Yourself a Gut CheckOftentimes, you already know what you want to do with those major career decisions. Youre just waiting for everybody to leap to their feet and offer a rousing, Yes Thats the right moveBut, what should you do in those situations when you really feel lost as to what advice to follow and which route to choose? Well, theres nothing like a good ol fashioned gut check.Im serious- narrow down your two options and then flip a coin. Heres the tricky part You dont actually have to stick with what the co in lands on. But, as its tumbling through the air and your whole life seems to move in slow motion, youll likely get a pretty strong inkling as to what side you want to be face up. When that happens? You, my friend, have just made your decision- conflicting advice and all. In the world of career questions, there arent a lot of black and white answers- thats exactly why there are so many contradictory opinions and suggestions out there. Should you quit that job? Make that career change? Go for that promotion? Itd be nice if there was a one-size-fits all answer to those sorts of questions. But, there isnt. Ultimately, the best you can do is consider as many perspectives as possible (yes, even when they dont perfectly line up) and decide on the right way forward for you. Youre the only one who actually knows what that is.Still struggling to see your way to the other side? Take this decision-making advice and pretend youre counseling a friend in your exact same situation. I promise- it works

Saturday, December 21, 2019

15 Help Desk Interview Questions

15 Help Desk Interview Questions15 Help Desk Interview QuestionsAs members of an elite group of public-facing IT workers, outstanding help desk analysts can be difficult to find. And since this is a customer service role, its crucial to choose individuals with the ideal blend of technical capabilities and soft skills needed to do the job right.According to the 2019 Technology Salary Guide, help desk support professionals are among the most sought-after IT candidates out there, so the ones that apply for your position might come from a wide variety of technical backgrounds, giving you a lot to sift through.Picking the right people is made even mora challenging because help desk analysts can fall into one of three tiersTier 1 serves as the first point of contact for callers and offers basic technical support.Tier 2 is less customer oriented, focusing mora on resolving issues and closing tickets.Tier 3 is comprised of senior technical staff who deal with complex issues, as well as strat egy and reporting.Because the tiers vary so much, its imperative for help desk interview questions to address the abilities required for each different role. At the same time, you also need to consider factors like the products and services your new analysts will support, whether theyll be fielding in-house or customer queries and whether theyll offer assistance via phone, instant messaging or in person.Learn how to discern between good candidates and great ones - and help avoid the costs of a bad hire - with these 15 help desk interview questions, which weve divided into categories for the stages of your interviews.Communication questionsRegardless of the tier, stellar communication is the most important skill needed in this role.1. Tell me about yourself.One excellent way to gauge communication skills is to give candidates an open-ended question and listen to them talk. Pay attention to clarity, focus, the kind of language used and whether applicants make an effort to ensure you re engaged in the conversation.2. How would you describe a solution to someone with no technical ability?This can be one of the more challenging aspects of help desk work, as IT staff can sometimes struggle when communicating with nontechnical audiences. Look for someone who excels at translating tech speak so topics are easily understandable by everyone.3. How do you rate your writing skills?Even phone-based positions require a significant amount of written communication, including logging calls and sending emails to senior technicians. Ask candidates for examples of their writing abilities - such as blog posts or college papers - to determine their proficiency.Technical savvy questionsThough the level of technical knowledge required will be determined by the tier of the position, the following general-purpose help desk interview questions should be suitable in most instances.4. Which tech sites do you regularly visit?Answers here may range from the general, such as Stack Overflo w, The Verge and IT-related Reddit communities (also known as subreddits), to tech-specific blogs and social media feeds. This information can provide insight into candidates levels of engagement with the world of technology.5. How much do you know about our product or service?Naturally, this question shows if interviewees have done their homework and how interested they are in your company. However, its also a chance to measure their understanding of what you do. If you offer a cloud-based service, for instance, follow up by asking them to talk about how the cloud functions.6. How would you explain how ______________ works?Here again, youre establishing a baseline level of applicants technical expertise. Simply insert a component your company works with. If you focus on networking, you can ask how TCP/IP works. If the role involves databases, ask the difference between SQL and NoSQL.Find out how much help desk professionals are paid in your areaGET THE SALARY GUIDEProblem solving q uestionsYour ideal candidates should have strong analytical skills and an ability to approach problems methodically and systematically, so make certain to focus a few help desk interview questions on these areas.7. How would you solve ______________?Examine the five most common queries that are presented to your help desk, and try posing one of them to applicants. While they may not have the product or process knowledge to solve it, youll be able to get an idea of their aptitude for working through technical problems.8. You arrive for your shift and your PC wont turn on. What do you do?This is a problem that doesnt require any tech background at all - just a little critical thinking. In addition to showing a step-by-step approach to diagnosing the problem, such as checking the cables or power supply, the interviewee should arrive at a reasonable solution, like moving to another desk.9. How many windows are there in New York City?This is a classic interview brainteaser. Though the a nswer is irrelevant, the manner in which the query is addressed can tell you a lot about how a candidates mind works. Do they ask clarifying questions? Do they break the problem down into smaller, more solvable problems? Can they explain their thinking to you?Customer service questionsWhether internal or external, customers expect - and deserve - prompt and courteous service. Therefore, youll need to ask questions to establish that potential employees are capable of providing spectacular support.10. Tell me about a time when you experienced good customer service.Everyone has a different idea of what constitutes good service. Some people prize efficiency, while others are more interested in friendliness and empathy. This question will help you identify candidates whose approach aligns with your organizations values and the expectations of your customers.11. How would you deal with an angry caller?Frustrated callers are a major aspect of any customer service job. This is particularl y true on the help desk, where most customer touches are related to a fault or system failure. Help desk staff, especially Tier 1 workers, need to be able to deal with unhappy people and diffuse difficult situations.12. Tell me about a time you went the extra mile.Top help desk analysts understand the importance of going above and beyond to ensure callers issues are fully resolved so tickets arent re-opened. Weigh candidates responses to see whether theyre doing the bare minimum or providing thoughtful and thorough service.Teamwork and fit with your corporate culture questionsHelp desk analysts must be able to function as part of your team, as they work with staff across all tiers and collaborate with members of other departments.13. Have you ever had to work with a difficult colleague?This question can be quite telling, as youll discover what traits an applicant considers difficult. Drill down here to learn more about the types of conflict the candidate may have experienced in the past and youll uncover a lot about their ability to mesh with your team.14. How do you handle criticism?Analysts work in high-pressure environments and are constantly receiving feedback from customers, engineers and other colleagues. Look for interviewees who demonstrate a capacity to learn from constructive criticism and move on to the next task rather than taking it personally.15. How flexible are you in terms of scheduling?Many help desk roles require working nights and weekends, so you need to make sure top applicants are able to meet your scheduling demands. Set expectations about working hours and ask candidates outright if they can commit to those shift patterns.Help desk analyst jobs can have a high attrition rate, especially at the lower tiers. But if you refine your hiring process by asking the right help desk interview questions, you can build a long-lasting team that can tackle any problem while keeping customers satisfied.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Do recruiters read cover letters The surprising answer

Do recruiters read titelblatt letters The surprising answerDo recruiters read titelseite letters The surprising answerBig disclaimer I am just one lowly recruiter. There are a lot of other people in my profession and I dont speak for us all. But what Im about to say is what I feel is an accurate sample size of what most of my peers in my field can all agree on.Hard truth on this one absolutely not. Not only do we not usually read them, most of the time we dont even open that attachment or give cover letters a cursory glance. Its such a waste of time. Many companies have even stopped asking for them altogether.But Ill tell you who DOES read cover letters hiring managers. Not all. In fact, a lot dont, but in the entire hiring equation, were I to assign likelihood, a hiring manager is more prone to read the cover letter than anyone else involved. And even then, Id add another factor that narrows the field - hiring managers at small companies with lower hiring volume (like a small non-p rofit) are more likely to read a cover letter than a hiring manager at companies like Amazon or KPMG.In my opinion, if you want your cover letter to be read, do these thingsDont apply onlineEmail your resume to a recruiter or hiring manager instead.Dont make it an actual letterInstead, make it the body of the email with your resume attached. When people attach a letter AND a resume to an email, let me just say only one attachment is getting opened, and its always the resume. So dont even bother.Keep it short and to the pointLike seriously, five sentences is all thats necessary. If youre in sales or something maybe a few bullet points. But no multiple paragraphs. Long cover letters are simply not going to get read.Tailor itGet the name of the company right in the cover letter. When I did campus recruiting for new grads at Expedia, 1 out of 2 times, the candidate got this wrong. They were applying to companies at such volume it wasnt uncommon to see Im excited about the possibility of an opportunity at Microsoft or Google or some other company that was not the company for which I worked.Inject some personality into it pleaseIf your cover letter sounds like that of everyone else, you have completely defeated the purpose.Similar to objectives on a resume, cover letters are a bit of a throwback to another era in job hunting where we didnt have fancy applicant tracking systems that connected a candidates application with a tangible job/requisition. But for some reason we want to continue this exercise, so we may as well do it with more flair.I would also say cover letter requirements are industry specific. In tech one of the more evolved industries, I feel like theyre totally unnecessary. That may not be the case in finance or management consulting, or any of the bedrock industries.Ambra Benjamin is an Engineering Recruiter at Facebook and previously worked at LivingSocial, Google, and Expedia.This post originally appeared on Quora.com..bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx- group-1012255-lyDBLV9 width 900pxheight 550px

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

5 Things We Learned From Losing Our Dream Home

5 Things We Learned From Losing Our Dream Home5 Things We Learned From Losing Our Dream HomeHeres what we learned along the way.1. Love wins. In the battle between love and money, love definitely wins. I know this for fact. Read more Posted by Stephanie Walker, RecessionWire.com The Recession Will End When We All Say So Recession Briefing 10.13 When Prison is Better Than the Job Market Screwed 800 at Clariant

Friday, December 6, 2019

A Secret Weapon for Resume Professional Writers Reviews

A Secret Weapon for Resume Professional Writers Reviews Resume Professional Writers Reviews - the Conspiracy Also, if youd like to thank your employer for hiring you or only for a follow-up, the writers will enable you to compose a letter. Either writers are difficult to reach, or they are rude when asked to create edits. Our writers will allow you to get noticed by your targeted employer. They get in touch with you and learn a bit about your goals and ambitions. The sole thing I can gather is maybe the writer is critical to getting a superior outcome. If its so, then youll be having some difficult time for a student together with being a writer. The author features motivation and inspiration for people who dont know where to begin with their job applications. For starters, though the company has done a good job in making the site design and content, theres a critical absence of tafelgeschirr options on it. The actual men and women highly praise our essay help site. The tafe lgeschirr utilizes an individual approach for writing all kinds of personalized documents, including cover letters and other kinds of employment-related correspondence. You must be very cautious when selecting a resume writing service as. Certified writers are somewhat more skilled and know the ideal strategies to produce an excellent resume that would catch an employers attention straight away. Our Professional Resume Writers know precisely the kind of information employers are searching for in potential candidates to fill sales roles inside their organization. You dont need to worry about anything when genuine professionals are on the job. Our professional resume experts are prepared to provide your resume. The Dirty Truth About Resume Professional Writers Reviews When dont have any experience and everything you can list in the resume are courses, crafting the ideal job application can be an issue. There are a number of strategies to send your resume online. The ideal pack age will be dependent on what industry youre in, your career level and career objectives. If it comes to resumes, different types ought to be available. You need assistance with making a resume. When youre asking for work, the resume is not the one thing you demand. In case the job doesnt, the person will not motivated by the undertaking. If you want to get a great job, you need to have a resume that employers desire to browse. The 30-Second Trick for Resume Professional Writers Reviews You want to understand what the price is. Its important to employ a service which offers you a wonderful price for top quality. Anyway, youll certainly like our price policy. When you would like to find the best resume help, it is possible to simply follow our lead. Trust us with your resume needs and find the job you have earned. Resume is among the most highly rated services on the net for all kinds of nursing resume services. Yes, the web site appears nice and many services a work appli cant needs are readily available. You can rely on the ideal essay help online. By way of example, is the requirements arent met or the instructions not followed, one is qualified for a refund. For those who have questions or you must supply extra instructions, you should have the ability to get in touch with a customer service agent. If you would like a plain resume and you may write your own content, the tool will provide you the format. The very first step is to select the service or package you desire. The Characteristics of Resume Professional Writers Reviews The organization has mentioned its whole address in the footer of the site, together with email address and telephone number. Most reviews are positive with a couple negative comments. To understand what recruiters wish to see in your resume you must think as a recruiter. Just a few services like LinkedIn profiles are available as a standalone item.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Want to Go Further in Your Career You May Need a #8216;Mindshift#8217;

Want to Go Further in Your Career You May Need a 8216Mindshift8217 Barbara Oakley, Ph.D., runs the most popular massive open online course (MOOC) of all time. Roughly two million people have enrolled in it, which is about equal to the enrollment in all of Harvards MOOCs combined. Oakley developed this wildly successful course in her basement. It cost less than $5000.Thesubject? Learning How to Learn.When you think about it, it makes a lot of sense that the most popular MOOC ever would be one about learning itself. What could be more universal?I think the MOOCs success is a tribute to the fact that, if you really move into the new medium and think abouthow people can learn effectively instead of trying to transpose the old-fashioned ways of people just standing in front of a chalkboard and teaching, people love it, Oakley says.Recently, Oakley developed a second course. Mindshift Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential, w hich serves as accompaniment to her new book of the same name.Last month, I had the pleasure of speaking with Oakley via phone aboutMindshift,MOOCs, and why following your passion isnt all its cracked up to be. Checkout a transcript of our conversation below, minimally edited for style and clarityRecruiter.comId love to start with the title of the bookMindshift.Can you explain what exactly a mindshift is and why its relevant to job seekers and professionals?Barbara Oakley A mindshift is a change in your own mind that occurs through learning.One of the easy examples for me to give is, when I welches young, I hated math and science. I kind of flunked my way through elementary and high school math and science. Then, when I was 26, I was getting out of the Army, and I realized I had no marketable skills. So I decided to see if I could learn to do math and now Im a professor of engineering. It clearly worked.I think its clear that we are all capable of doing far, far more than we ever i magined we could do. This book is meant to give people examples of people who have made small and large changes in their lives because of what they learned, but also to give insight into what science has told us about how we learn, change, and grow not only when were young, but even well into maturity.RCRelated to this concept of a mindshift, the book also talks about the importance of broadening your passion. Theres a quote in the book I found particularly interesting Have you ever unnecessarily limited yourself by heeding advice to follow your passion? Thats pretty common advice, but you suggest its not all its cracked up to be. Could you say a little more about this?BOWere told to follow our passion, but the problem is that passions develop aroundwhat were good at. Maybe you think that isnt a problem, but the challenge arises because some things take longer to get good at. We tend to just throw those things out the window and say, Im not good at this, its not my passion, I have n o innate talent. The reality is that, with a little more time, those passions and that talent can actually develop.RCThis reminds me of another important concept in the book broadening your learning toolkit. Whyis this something the book stresses to readers?BO Knowing a little bit about how your brain works can do a lot to help you in your life of learning. For example, you often first encounter something and you look at it and say, Well, I cant figure it out. I must not be good at this.If you know about how your brain works, you know that when you first look at something, youre using one platzset of neural networks. When you get stuck, you need to back away and let a second neural network work away in the background. Then, when you return to it, you can actually solve the problem. So, its actually perfectly normal not to understand something the first time you see it, and people dont realize this.Another thing is that many peoples biggest challenge in regard to learning something n ew is simply procrastination. We procrastinate in part because when you even just think about something you dont like, it activates a portion of the brain that experiences pain, so the brain naturally skitters away from that thought, and thats when you procrastinate. A few simple tools, like the Pomodoro Technique, can allow you to skip past that procrastination before it even activates the pain and get you going with what you need to be doing in order to learn and change.RC Mindshiftalso touches on taking an active role inchanging your brain. I think that, normally, a lot of us arent even aware that its possible to actively change your brain. Can you give an example of what it looks like to change ones brain?BOA lot of times, we passively watch something, but we dont try it ourselves. What happens is, if we actually actively do something ourselves instead of just passively watching it, thats when it begins rewiring things in our brain, enhancing, building, and growing new circuits. There is even a case of a gold-medal-winning javelin thrower who simply watched videos online because he couldnt afford to go train with an expensive coach. Then, he actively practiced based on what he was watching. Thats what made the changes in his brain.Another example I had a student who came up to me once after flunking a test. He held the test up and said, I dont understand how I could do so badly on this test. I understood it when you said it in class And thats part of the challenge We unfortunately have given learners the idea that all you have to do is understand something and click it will magically stay with you for the rest of your life. The reality is that understanding isnt enough. You need to actively do the problems yourself. You need to work, understand, and practice with material in order for those neural circuits to actually grow.RCYou yourself teach MOOCs, and in the book, you talk about how important they are, so I was hoping you could elaborate on that, too. Why are MOOCs and online learning so important for todays job seekers?BOMOOCs are life-changers The reality is most people particularly people in the 25-50-years-old range cant afford to just quit their jobs, go back to school, and take three or fouryears to get a degree. It just doesnt work that way for people who have really busy lives. But these people want to learn more about what theyve already studied, or they want to make changes.What MOOCs do is provide a way for you to get a top-notch, world-class university training. For example, Coursera has 150 of the worlds leading educational institutions offering MOOCs on its platform. You can find whatever interest it is you want to pursue. Whether its coding, data analysis, business marketing, or medieval manuscripts, they have great courses for that.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

91 People Viewed Me On LinkedInBut #Crickets

91 People Viewed Me On LinkedInBut Crickets91 People Viewed Me On LinkedInBut CricketsHi, Jewel. Something is bothering me according to LinkedIn, I appeared in 91 searches last week. Yet, Im still hearing crickets. Ive learned to put very little faith in the LinkedIn algorithm, but I dont know what to actually do about this.For 2019, I officially declare LinkedIn to be the new black it is foundational, it is fundamental. Just as the resume has historically been a must, today, LinkedIn is an absolute must. You are simply nowhere in your job search if youre not using the platform. And its not just a matter of using it, but mastering it your profile must be 101% on point for you to progress through your job search with success in a reasonable time frame.But what about, despite tinkering, improving, and recalibrating everything from the keywords, to the headline, to the summary, to the achievements, your LinkedIn profile still doesnt perform the way you thought it would. Worse yet, wha t to do when you can see people are looking at your profile, but still nobodys calling you about any good opportunities.Theres good news here. And theres better news here.1st, The Good NewsLinkedIn offers so much intel for you to capitalize on the platform and really sail through your job search. Whos Viewed Your Profile, is just one example of the many insights provided. If you have a free account, LinkedIn offers you the last 3 people who viewed your profile. That means youd have to be on LinkedIn multiple times a day to make aya to see all the people whove viewed you. But if you have a premium account, that 3-rolle limit is lifted.Now, The Better NewsEveryone whos viewed your profile is a warm lead. Its important to release yourself of the negativity you may feel that they looked at you and moved on without saying anything. Furthermore, avoid the tendency to want to jump into the other persons mind. You literally have no idea what they were thinking. Dont guess. Dont fill in the blanks with something bad.They may not have spoken up, but that doesnt stop you from speaking up 1st. It doesnt matter who starts the conversation. Just have the conversation. The warm lead approach means that reaching out to a person who viewed your profile will not be coming straight from the blue.Heres What To SayAssuming the person is at a company you want to work for, and is relevant to the hiring process, fire off a quick, personalized message. Thank them for visiting your profile, mention that youre interested in their company because insert highly-specific, genuine reason, and present the top 3 skills you have that tightly align with what the company is working on right now. Ask the person if theyre open to a short conversation 1 day this week. Close out by saying if theyre not the proper person to speak with, would they mind directing you to the appropriate party.Using the above formula, you can write that message dozens of times in just a few minutes, and this is exactly w hat successful jobseekers spend their time doing. Its more important to make and deepen individual human connections, then invest that same amount of time clicking the apply and submit buttons on 10 more jobs.Theres a free job search training in which I show you exactly what successful jobseekers did to go from job searching to job found, significantly faster than average. See how you can do the same thing in, How to Land Your Ideal Job in 8 Weeks or Less Youll also find out how to make real human connections even beyond those who viewed your profile, so you have more conversations, more interviews, and more offers.

Friday, November 22, 2019

MOS 14J Air Defense Tactical Operations Center Operator

MOS 14J Air Defense Tactical Operations Center OperatorMOS 14J Air Defense Tactical Operations Center OperatorAn Air Defense C4I Tactical Operations Center Enhanced Operator is a member of the Armys air defense artillery team. This team helps to protect soldiers from aerial and missile attacks and shields them from enemy surveillance. Its categorized as a military occupational specialty (MOS) 14J. Members of the air defense artillery team should be experts in the tactics and procedures of all Army air defense systems. Its demanding, taxing work and requires soldiers who are disciplined and focused, but these roles are crucial to the success of all of the Armys aerial missions. Duties This parteicular member of the air defense artillery team deals with manual early warning network (MEWN) functions. Theyll either supervise or be part of the team or platoon that handles operations and intelligence functions for the air defense artillery team. Soldiers who are in MOS 14J detect, trac k and identify aircraft, both friendly and enemy, and broadcast necessary early warning information. Theyll operate and perform maintenance on team vehicles and other equipment, and perform and support operations and intelligence duties in air defense units. These intelligence duties may vary widely depending on the mission at hand. These soldiers perform map operations, which are often critical to mission success. Theyll also supervise lower grade soldiers and provide these subordinates with technical guidance. Another big part of their jobs involves destroying classified material, as well as performing other security functions as necessary. Training Job training includes ten weeks of Basic Combat Training plus ten weeks of Advanced Individual Training with on-the-job instruction. Part of this time is spent in the classroom and in the field under simulated combat conditions. Youll learn Army methods of computing target locations, how to handle ammunition properly, the specifics of operating missile and rocket systems, as well as artillery tactics. Qualifying for Army MOS 14J To be eligible for this important job, soldiers need a 99 in the mechanical maintenance (MM)aptitude areaand a 98 in the general technical (GT) aptitude area on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude (ASVAB) test. Youll also need normal color vision (no colorblindness) and have to be a U.S. citizen to qualify for MOS 14J. Since these soldiers have access to and handle sensitive information about artillery and air defense operations, a secret security clearance is required. This involves a criminal background check and a review of the soldiers finances. Similar Civilian Jobs Since this job is heavily combat-focused, there isnt a direct equivalent in the civilian workforce. But the skills and experience you receive in MOS 14J may prepare you for work in computer operations, business operations, or in fields requiring mechanical knowledge. Youre likely also qualified to work as a network or computer systems administrator.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

9 sad reasons people stay in jobs when they hate them

9 sad reasons people stay in jobs when they hate them9 sad reasons people stay in jobs when they hate themI never understood why people complained about their jobs, and yet didnt take any action toward changing the situation for themselves.They go on and on about how they are mistreated, or undervalued, or underpaid, or bored, or burned out, or dont like the people they work with, and yet day after day continue to show up, continue to endure, and continue to collect their steady paycheck.The truth is, thats the reason most people stay?- ?the paycheck. They would rather suffer for something guaranteed than take ownership of their future.Why?1. Because risk terrifies themIts a risk to go somewhere else?- ?What if itseven worse?Its a risk to try something new. Its a risk to leave wherever you are and go somewhere else.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more2. Because learning something ne w ishardIts so sad and yet so true.Most people dont leave their jobs simply because the thought of having to learn a new process, a new skill set, a newanythingis terrifying and exhausting to them.What a sad way to live.3. Because they love the golden handcuffsOne of the greatest double-edged swords of high paying corporate America is whats called living with golden handcuffs.Your salary is so good, your benefits are so good, your retirement plan is so good, everything is so good that youre willing to sit in a cubicle hating your life for 8 hours a day simply because, on paper, youre living the life.4. Because they secretly love to complainAnother sad truth, but some people love to be miserable.They find enjoyment in showing up to work and uttering the phrase, I hate Mondays. They have learned to love their misery?- ?and as much as they talk about leaving, they never will.5. Because it would disappoint theirparentsSome of the most talented people end up working jobs they despise sim ply because they dont want to disappoint their parents. Or their family. Or their friends. Or anyone else.So who are you living for, then? Them?6. Because theyve overextended themselvesIts amazing how much people prioritize having things before they have established the lifestyle they want.They get a job they dont love, but pays pretty well, and before they know it theyve got an expensive car payment, high rent, and an expensive lifestyle from which they cant escape. They want to do something else, but by now theyve accumulated too much overhead.And a shift in lifestyle isunthinkableto them.7.Because they like theirtitleThese people stay with their undesirable job simply because of the title they have.They would rather be the Vice President of Boring than be seen as someone who is trying to make their dreams happen. Because that road is harder, and isnt about titles at all?- ?and for a lot of people, thats too much for their ego to bear.8. Because they have responsibilities nowThey have a wife, three kids, a mortgage, college funds to save for, etc.By now in their career, they cant make the move to something else. Theyve crossed the threshold and have decided, You know what, this is where I am, and thats that.Theyre comfortable, and so they stay.9. Because they fear beingwrongOr worse, they fear rejection.They care a lot about what people think of them, and the thought of trying to do something unconventional or different they enjoy, and failing, is what keeps them from ever trying in the first place.This article originally appeared on Inc. Magazine.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people